Sunday 31 January 2021

Flight: Antonia Mayol, Spain

Árbol de los pájaros
(The tree of the birds)


Flight: Domingo Sanz Montero, Spain

Artilugios voladores 
Flying gadgets

Leonardo da Vinci
We have recently found an old file or foler, in a dusty attic,
with numerous drawings, sketches and designs on 
Leonardo da Vinci's flying contraptions

Although the first real helicopter was not made until the 1940s,
Leonardo da Vinci's sketches from the late 15th century are considered
to be the predecessors of the current flying artifact.

Friday 22 January 2021

Flight: Domingo Sanz Montero, Spain

 8 de marzo. Día Internacionale de la Mujer
Mujer vertical: obra que representa a todas las mujeres
(March 8. International Women's Day - Vertical woman: work that represents all women)

The graceful, subtle, ethereal, light, delicate, soft, flexible, exquisite, 
beautiful, harmonious, statuesque, beautiful, slender and brilliant: 
woman flight

Tuesday 19 January 2021

Flight: Domingo Sanz Montero, Spain

Zepelín volando sobre el valle
Zeppelin flying over the valley

The zeppelin or airship is a self-propelled aerostat with the
ability to be manoeuver and be manipulated like an aircraft.

It was the first flying machine capable of being regulated 
in a long duration flight. Its most important use occurred 
between 1900 and the 1930s. 
After several severe accidents, 
its use decreased.

Sunday 17 January 2021

Flight: Domingo Sanz Montero, Spain

Mariposas revoloteando sobre el Mar Rojo 
Butterflies hovering over the Red Sea

Beautiful and subtle, varied and attractive, nearby creatures, 
butterflies transport us to the sunny shore of life. 

Red Sea. 
The truth is that, when observing this sea from the upper part 
of the western side, on the border between Israel and Egypt, 
words are unnecessary. The sea looks red.
When the sun is setting on the western side of the gulf, the sea
serves as a mirror and its waters reflect the reddish desert
mountains located on the eastern side (Jordan).

Mar Rojo
La primera teoría dice que pudo haber sido por el monte Sinaí, 
que con los rayos del Sol matutino se refleja en rojo sobre el agua.
La segunda afirma que su nombre se debe a las grandes algas 
de color rojo que a veces aparecen en el verano.
Y como tercera está la siguiente explicación: los persas, que habitaban 
en lo que hoy es Irán, definían los puntos cardinales con colores: 
el rojo era el color del Sur y el negro el del Norte. 
Desde las perspectiva de Irán, el mar Rojo estaba situado al 
Sur y el Negro al Norte.
El nombre «Mar Rojo» proviene de varios idiomas, 
como la frase griega Erythra Thalassa
que se traduce directamente al «Mar Rojo».

Thursday 14 January 2021

Flight: Domingo Sanz Montero, Spain

 Pájaros volando al atardecer
Birds flying at sunset

It fascinated me to contemplate the sunset, the sky and the birds flying.
The color palette of a sunset is extraordinary, especially in autumn
with its reddish colors and amber hues. 

Sunday 10 January 2021

Flight: Domingo Sanz Montero, Spain

 Pegaso volando al amanecer
Pegasus flying at dawn

In Greek mythology, Pegasus is a winged horse, 
that is, a horse with wings. Pegasus was the first horse 
to come to be among the gods. Pegasus was the
horse of Zeus, god of heaven and earth.

Friday 8 January 2021

Flight: Domingo Sanz Montero, Spain

El vuelo de los Fuegos artificiales / Estrellas de los fuegos artificiales
The Flight of Fireworks / Fireworks Stars

Fireworks are mechanisms that when activated 
produce explosions of colors, 
however, it all depends on the rocket used. 
The colour, the image and the branching of the explosion 
are established by the components 
(among other rocket powder) 
that are used to originate the 
Fireworks Stars or 
stars of the fireworks. 

Wednesday 6 January 2021

Flight: Renata and Giovanni Stradada, Italy


Flight: Domingo Sanz Montero, Spain

Volando sobre "La Isla" 
Flying over "The Island"

 "The Island"
A Memory for Aldous Huxley

The Island (in the original English: Island) is a novel by Aldous Huxley,
published for the first time in 1962. It is the story of Will Famaby, a 
journalist ith the air of a poet who lives on an island called Pala. The
Island is the counterpoint to the 1932 novel Brave New World.

Flight: Vitaly Maklakov, Russia

Yekaterinburg-Moscow, Moscow-Yekaterinburg, 21-23.10.2018


Flight: Vitaly Maklakov & Vasilisa Maklakova, Russia

Behind the cloud


Flight: Vasilisa Maklakova, Russia

Birds over the lake


Flight: Matvey Maklakov, Russia

 My second drawing