Wednesday 17 March 2021

Flight: Raquel Gociol, Argentina

"La belleza es la perceptión de algo en su contexto adecuado" 
(Otra forma de mirar)

"Beauty is the perception of something in its proper context" (Another way of looking)

Flight: Cristiano Pallara, Italy

this plane flies daily over our houses in a small town in southern Italy


Friday 12 March 2021

Flight: Miguel Zavarof, France / Turkey

HOP - LA !


Flight: Raj Verdi, United Kingdom


Flight: PSYCHE OUT FANZINE / Silvano Pertone, Italy


Flight: Domingo Sanz Montero, Spain

El vuelo de los estorninos. 2
The flight of the starlings. 2 

In these birds, their unbridled tendency to sing, and sometimes
their great gifts of imitators, are what gave them the fame of
sorcerors. For these reasons, it was formerly believed
that they were capable of casting incantations.

Tuesday 9 March 2021

Flight: Domingo Sanz Montero, Spain

El vuelo de los estorninos. 1
The flight of the starlings. 1

The synchronized flight of a multitude of starlings 
is one of the spectacles of nature
that best expresses the coordination between 
the members of an animal species.

Thursday 4 March 2021

Flight: Domingo Sanz Montero, Spain

Nacieron en el nido y pronto levantarán el vuelo
They were born in the nest and will soon take flight

One of the symbols of the capital of the province of Huesca 
is located in the Miguel Servet de Huesca park. 
This is the work that Ramón Acín, 
an artist from Huesca born in 1888, 
left as a legacy to his hometown: 
the monument to Las Pajaritas.

When strolling through the center of Huesca, 
visitors come across this iron and cement sculpture 
adorned with the colors of the city, white and green, 
which crowns a tree-lined promenade.

Monday 1 March 2021

Flight: Domingo Sanz Montero, Spain

 El vuelo de los pterodáctilos
The flight of the pterodactyls

Pterodactylus is a genus of pterosaur, 
whose members are popularly known as pterodactyls. 
It was the first to be qualified and 
recognized as a flying reptile.